Board Minutes Approved 08/02/07
July 5, 2007

Present: Williams, Hon. James F. Moelk, Gerhardt, Machado, Tauber, Angen, Martin, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Hakenen, Curtola, Hotaling, Fisher

Minutes of June 7, 2007
Tauber motioned to approve, Gerhardt seconded. The motion carried.

President’s Report
Nextel: Two tentative dates have been selected for the Sprint/Nextel community meeting. The dates are Tuesday, July 24, 2007 and Tuesday, July 31, 2007. Club management will contact Sprint/Nextel with the dates to confirm which date fits their schedule.
Associate / Social Pro Shop Purchases: The computer in the Golf Pro Shop currently does not list the accounts of Associate and Social members as they do not have golfing privileges. The Executive committee approved Associate and Social members be added to the pro shop computers to allow the purchase of pro shop items. The computer will be set up accordingly.

Treasurer’s Report
Food costs improved for the month of May, and will continue to be monitored by management.
The Board discussed the advertising of social events and approaching members to participate in Club events/activities. Hon. James F. Moelk suggested placing plastic holders in the Club’s fleet carts to post monthly events and to handout the same information to private carts owners
The Board reviewed the C.I.F. status report.

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary Applicants: Robert & Ethel Richardson, Jack & Judy Miller, Robert & Suzanne Yarbrough, Clifford & Linda Neal
Social Applicant: Christopher & Lisa Guerrera
Angen motioned to approve, Tauber seconded, the motion carried. The Board took note of two Notice To Sell Forms which are effective for sale Friday, July 6, 2007

Solano Irrigation District (S.I.D.)Project
PGE is waiting for the transformer to arrive. Installation is expected by the middle of August.

Committee Reports
Green: The USGA visited our golf course to review its recommended maintenance program. The USGA report overall was very positive. They did list concerns on the condition of our maintenance shed.
The committee discussed the moving of fairway ropes to help reduce golf cart damage to the course. The ropes are currently moved at least twice a week.
At the recommendation of the USGA, the committee is reviewing hole #2 and the Willow trees on #10. The committee would like to have a conceptual design from Architect Damian Pascuzzo and are requesting $2,000.00. Damian will be asked to review hole #2 for fairway bunkering to the left side of the creek. The drainage project on #10 needs to be completed and the willow trees might have to be removed. Damian will be asked to review the area as if the trees were removed and possibly what impact this might have to the golf course. Tauber motioned for expenditures of $2,000.00 for the conceptual design of improvements to hole #2 and a review of a proposed improvement to hole #10. Angen seconded, the motion carried.
New drinking fountains are on order. Delivery is two to three weeks.
The Department of Fish & Game has given approval to replace the bridge at # 14 and remove the debris from Jones Creek and rock face the culverts on #17. The completion date for this project is due before October 15, 2007.
The grass on the new greens #1, 8, 12 and 17 are not as dark a color as other greens. This is due to the type of grass on the green.
Golf: Play is up significantly over May.
Membership: The New Member Dinner is scheduled for Thursday, July 12, 2007.
Tennis: The courts are very active.
Social: The Italian Night Buffet was very successful, and the committee is currently preparing for the Hot Caribbean Night Dinner & Dance scheduled for August 25, as well Casual Dinner and Dance on September 21. A Winemakers dinner is scheduled for November.

Golf Pro Tournament Schedule
Due to the Golf Pro’s tournament schedule, he has been absent for some Club events. The Board requested the Golf Committee to review at the beginning of each year, the Pro’s yearly tournament schedule to coordinate his schedule with those Club events it would like him to attend.

Modifications to By-Laws
Hon. James F. Moelk requested the By-Laws Committee to modify by-law wording to allow Associate members tennis privileges and to send the modifications to the membership for a vote. The results of the vote will be announced at the General Membership Meeting.

Old & New Business
Red Flag Policy: The Board requested clarification on the red flag policy on par 3’s and #10. The request will be forwarded to the Golf Committee.
Hole-in-One Plaque: The Board would like the Golf Committee to review the idea of a plaque to add the names of members who have a hole-in-one and double eagles.

Mission Statement
The Board of Directors requested the membership to submit their comments on the draft mission statement. Several comments have been received. The Mission Statement Sub-Committee will finalize the statement including the comments received to present to the Board for approval at the August meeting.

Martin motioned to adjourn, Gerhardt seconded. 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Sottana, Assistant to the General Manager